Tag Archives: summer




Artwork from ‘Igniting the Volcano’ – Nancy Walker

I love that they scuff about in sarongs
That their hair is chestnuts and curls
Beads or gold string their necks
And they smell, strong
Of coffee and heat
Their women
Of lemons
Softly baked
Melanzane skin
I love their juggernaut tongue
Unbroken over cards and bambinos
All cinnamon eyed
And glitter
They strut taught
Or well met
Farfalle paid gut
I love that, only in Italy
Over Naples’ sprawl
The giant Vesuvio feels the tread
Of a woman in high heels
A crimson, sequined dress


Field of Youth

Finding you wasn’t hard, although you all looked the same beneath ever changing skies. 

Stark bright and upright against the cornflower blue of summer suns;

pure under winter’s thundery slate skirts, or, quietly bathed in autumn’s sleepy amber hues.

Did you think, at twenty two, that generations would stand here by your side, imagining the glory, the fear;

and withhold anger or sorrow for you?

Racing clouds allow the sun a turn.

Your gentle name, in thirty rows of harvested youth, is brushed by rays like life-giving fingers.

No.  I am humbled by your fall; your sacrifice and your love.

©Anna Ghislena 2013

©Anna Ghislena 2013

©Anna Ghislena 2013

I took part in this week’s 100 Word Challenge which was prompted by “Fall”.  If you fancy a go checkout this link: http://jfb57.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/100-word-challenge-for-grown-ups-week108/