Tag Archives: mothers

New Video for ‘The Cucumber Plot’

Cucumber photo

I made a mini video in my kitchen for ‘The Cucumber Plot‘ – a poem I wrote a while back .  Check it out if you have a mo.

Thanks everyone.

A x

New video for ‘We Are The Mums’


Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all us mums  (despite the clocks going forwards and loosing the lie in today!! – Conspiracy!)

Here’s my video poem for mothers everywhere – so if (due to the clocks changing) you have forgotten to give yourself time to nip out and get a bunch of flowers – send this link to mum instead.

Have a great day!

Brit Mums Poetry & Prose Round Up – April


Just leading you to visit the April issue of Brit Mums Poetry Round Up to take a look at all the wonderful poetry that mums somehow, have the time, to squeeze into their days.  I was surprised to see one of mine in there again – my poem for Mother’s Day – We Are The Mums, has made an appearance in the Round Up too!  Cool!

So, grab a cuppa and take a gander into the hearts of mothers and talented ladies.  There’s more to them than apron strings.



We Are The Mums!

mums photo

Tall Mums, short Mums
Fat Mums, thin Mums
Sporty Mums, stressy Mums
Glammy Mums, slummy Mums
All shapes and
All guises
Gauging the sizes
Of our bums Mums

Mums can cook and read books
(mostly at the same time)
Mums can sing about silly things
Just to keep in rhyme
Mums can nurse and give a cuddle
Mums can run at speed
To trouble
Mums can wipe up sick and poo
And still remain in love with you

Mums like coffee, tea and bed
Somewhere quiet to hide their heads
Mums drink wine and cry with friends
Its all too much; can’t see the end
Mums are pros still to this day
Its just its all so far away
But Mums are strong and
Mums are brave
Mums can sometimes misbehave

Mums are just in day disguise
Starbucks coffees and Levis
Mums can rock and mums can roll
Beware the Mum’s ambitious goal!
Mums will make sure you’re okay
They wouldn’t sell you
On eBay
We are the Mums
All shapes and sizes
Superwomen in disguises!

Brit Mums Poetry & Prose Round Up

BritMumslogoBrit Mums are a collective of lifestyle bloggers in Britain.  I recently became connected with their poetry and writing representative Maddy Bennett who runs a fantastic blog and writing forum called Writing Bubble.

Maddy recently called for poems associated with love to appear in the Brit Mums February Round Up and I am honored to find that I am one of those poets who have been showcased in the Round Up.  It means a great deal to me to find a connection with so many other poets, some of whom are mothers,  as well as having a poem shared.  In my case it was one of my own favourites, Backseat Driver.

Please do checkout the link to the Round Up and have a gander at a wealth of talented lady writers who really do write from the heart.

Anna x


Poetry for Mother’s Day and Others

What do you get mum on Mothering Sunday?  To be honest mums rock and deserve treats all year round, but for the sake of tradition and all the high street gaudy, garish pink satin bows and disposable greetings cards with “mum you’re one in a million” (which should more truthfully read “…one in millions”) that you are bound to be buying in some form or other, we have to do the whole singing and dancing shebang on just one day a year.  Sorry mum.

A few years ago I became acquainted with the passionate independent publisher Candlestick Press, based in Nottingham who produce the most beautiful poetry pamphlets that are keepsakes to be read time and time again.  They are far from disposable and mean a great deal to the reader.  Like greeting cards, they come with their own envelope and a bookmark on which the sender can write their message and can be kept on the bookshelf forever.


There are countless themes on offer, from pamphlets containing poems about chickens, poems about ghosts and poems about gardens to poems about revenge, poems about bedtime and of course, poems about mothers, entitled Ten Poems about Mothers.  The range is huge.  I can highly recommend these as perfect, meaningful and affordable gifts that say a great deal more than chocs and cut flowers any day.

poems about mothers pic

Happy Mother’s Day mamas.

Anna x



I can’t take my eyes off those silver boots

silver boots

I’ll let you into a little secret…TOPSHOP 😉

The moment I saw these beauties I thought of 1. Starman.  2. Noel Fielding.  3. Give them to me nowwwwww!  And then I thought of this – ENJOY!

I will wear them down the pub
I will shop in them at Sainsburys
I went to a book launch in them last week
I hoovered in them yesterday
I’ll ride the Northern Line tomorrow
Keep crossing my legs for effect
and tread the escalator stainless steel
Absorbing the stares that follow
The kids shall feel exposed
When I wear them at the school gates
and a gaggle of gossiping fishwives
bitching behind each other’s backs
will stare at my feet and wonder
who the hell does she think she is?
and then go home and Google
Starman, Noel Fielding, must haves